Rallies Featuring

Mark Buchanan

Mark Buchanan


Mark Buchanan and Cheryl live in Calgary, Alberta, where Mark is associate professor of Pastoral Theology at Ambrose Seminary. Educated at UBC and Regent College, Mark is a teacher, speaker, and the author of ten books. He has also written numerous articles for Christianity Today, Faith Today, and several other magazines. Cheryl has her MASF (Masters in the Art of Spiritual Formation) from Carey Theological College and is a Spiritual Director. For 20 years Mark and Cheryl have walked with Indigenous peoples, learning from their wisdom and supporting their journeys. In 2021, Mark and Cheryl launched New Story Community, a supportive recovery program for Indigenous women on Keats Island in BC. Cheryl is the Exec. Director of New Story. Together they have 3 adult children.

Renée MacVicar

Renée MacVicar

Speaker - Executive Minister, CBAC

Rev. Renée MacVicar ran into God’s grace as a young adult and continues to be changed by that grace every day. Renée has a passion to see everyone join God in their neighbourhoods. She serves as the Executive Minister for the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada. Renée lives with her family – Joe, Emma, and Isabell – in Salisbury, NB. She enjoys adventuring with her family, running and board games.

Lewisville Worship

Lewisville Worship

Worship Band

Leadership by the worship ministry from Lewisville Baptist Church.